Calhoun/Cleburne County
Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster
How can my church, non-profit, or community organization get involved?
Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters, more commonly known as a VOAD, is a coalition to rally volunteer organizations and local groups (private or public) together. The mission of VOAD is to foster more effective service to people affected by disaster through cooperation in mitigation and response and avoidance of duplication of effort.
VOAD is not an operational organization in and of itself and does not directly provide assistance--VOAD does not compete with any member organization. Rather, it is a coalition of various voluntary organizations which provide their own unique disaster response skills and volunteers. These organizations share information with each other about their capabilities, resources, and special areas of expertise.
VOAD works towards filling the un-met needs of the community after a disaster has occurred. If your organization, church, or community group is interested in joining VOAD, contact the Calhoun County EMA at (256) 435-0540, or one of the officer listed below.
VOAD Member Organizations:
Interfaith Ministries of Calhoun County
All Saints Interfaith Center of Concern
St. Michael's Medical Clinic
American Red Cross, Mid-Alabama Chapter
Calhoun County Baptist Association
Piedmont Benevolence Center
Community Enabler Developer
United Way of East Central Alabama
The Salvation Army, Anniston Corps
VOAD Officers
President: Shannon Jenkins, United Way of East Central Alabama
Vice President: April LaFollette,Interfaith Ministries of Calhoun County
Secretary: Kim Robertson, United Way of East Central Alabama
Treasurer: Vacant/Inactive